Tips For Thanksgiving Corporate Gift Giving

If you are the manager of a company, you likely want to make sure that you maintain good relationships with your clients. This means giving them gifts that they find useful or applicable to their situation. The reason why gifts are the way to go is because, if you give them something memorable or something useful, your clients will be thinking about your business and therefore more likely to start a relationship or further strengthen it by sending more business your company's way. This can help your company make a ton of money. Christmas gift giving might seem easy, but you might be stumped when it comes to Thanksgiving. Here are some tips for giving out corporate gifts around Thanksgiving.

1. Go With the Turducken, Imprinted With Your Company's Logo

A turducken is a chicken that is inside of a duck that is inside of a turkey. It is cultural staple and a joke around the United States. However, it also tastes really good. See if you can order turduckens in bulk for your clients and have them imprinted with the logo of your company. Send them to your clients a few days before Thanksgiving, when people would normally just be starting to do their food shopping. This will allow your clients to make purchases that will allow them to use the turducken as their main dish, rather than just going with a plain, old turkey. Be sure to include instructions on how to cook it. You might even be able to imprint each layer of the turducken with a different logo or image representing your company.

2. Try Storage Containers

Another great corporate gift that everyone needs are more storage containers. Have both the container and the lid imprinted with your company logo so that it is easy for people to find the matching lid for the container. Make it clear to the client that it is to take home leftovers from Thanksgiving in order to give you incredibly useful gift some holiday flair.

3. Get a Turkey Stress Ball

Send a note with a turkey stress ball (branded with your logo) that says that it's to help you to get through passive aggressive fights with your family members about politics and religion. This will make your gift both thoughtful and humorous.

For more information, talk to a company that specializes in corporate gifts, such as AD-MARK Promotional Products. They might have other ideas specific to your location for Thanksgiving.
